7900 S. Hampton Rd. Dallas, Texas 75232
"Oh how I love your law! i meditate on it all day long. your commands make me wiser than my enemies for thy are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers for i meditate on your statues. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts." Psalm 119:97-100

Thank you for choosing Molly's Christian Academy. A christian learning environment that guarantee's your childs success. Come aboard with us, we range from Kindergarden to 12th grade. We offer a unique curriculum that allows each student to work at their own pace. Most importantly our students learn about the most important person of all Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to provide an academic learning environment in which each child can actively identify their personal learning style and develop the tools needed for their individual success. Our focus is on the development of the total child in the areas of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical learning.
Thank You for Helping Us!
We are in the process of getting our Non-profit 501C3 status. We are asking for donations in order to purchase our school building. Our building is located in Duncanville, and with your HELP, we can have a christian learning environment for students. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS!!!!
Sponsor A Student

Message from the Principal
I first want to thank God for allowing me to mentor and educate young people. God has truly blessed me and this school. We had a successful school year last year, and we plan on having an even better year this year. We are determined to make this school year the most exiting year ever.
We are so blessed to be in a position to buy our 1st school building. However, we need your help to make this happen. We are having a fundraiser that will help us get our building. So Please, help us get this building for these students. Our students are our future, and we are responsible for making sure they succeed. With your donation, we will be securing our monthly expenses for the first year. This will allow us to adjust to our new building and our new expenses. I want to personally, thank you in advance for your help.