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Brock DeWald - Worship Pastor

Alsbury Baptist Church - Burleson, Texas

"Brock DeWald serves as Worship Pastor at Alsbury Baptist Church in Burleson, TX.  He has been married to his high school sweetheart from Bryan, TX for 10 years.  They have two children, a five year old son and two year old daughter.  Driven by a passion for communicating God's truth through music, he began leading local churches in worship at a young age.  The opportunity to respond to the love of God in song is a consistent joy of his ministry.

Brock met the Beam family in 2009, when he moved to Burleson.  He is honored to have walked with them through the struggles of Annabel's health issues, and he rejoices with them in the fruit of God's healing hands.  Prompted by a request from Christy, Brock began working through one of the most difficult truths of God's character.  Who is God as we suffer?  Does he cause pain?  Is He oblivious to the hurt of a precious child?  Scripture is clear about Jesus's reaction to sorrow and loss, as well as the greatest picture of God's love toward us.  Brock's song, "Faithful" attempts to pass on the hope and peace we find in a loving God, who is always there even when we cannot understand our circumstances.  He weeps with us when we hurt, He knows the pain of separation and loss.  May you find strength in Him today."

The Official Book Release

       November 2013!!

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